Yellowstone temperature data
Currently developed by:
David Munday
Tony Hutter
Matthew Minolli

Base station software

The Base station application is a Windows GUI program which serves as an interface between the nodes and our web server.   It is this application that periodically queries the nodes for their temperature data, uploads the data to our server, reports errors, and records various network statistics.   The software is also used for both node and network diagnostics.

Above you can see the data scheduling for the nodes. At specified intervals, the base station will query each node for they're temperature data.   Right now the nodes are set to sample the temperature every two minutes, and are queried every two and a half hours.  

This screenshot shows the adjacency table on the base station.   From here you can see which nodes are your neighbors, and which nodes have transmitted through those neighbors.   In this case, the base station has two neighbors, nodes 1 and 2. The base station has also recorded that it has heard transmissions from nodes 5 and 18 through 2.

The screenshot here is our diagnostics interface. It displays all bytes received on the network, as well as packet header information and logging.   This interface also allows us to construct arbitrary packets of different types for testing and verification.  You can also see that we can query individual nodes for their route tables.